Who is Marquee Sports and Events, LLC?

Marquee Sports and Events, LLC is the creation of two guys who decided to take control of their futures.

The year was 2013, Che (Virginia State ‘12) and Dontrell ( Virginia Commonwealth ‘11) were both owners of master’s degrees in their chosen field of Sport Management but they were still struggling to find a job in the field.

It was then that we decided to pave our own path by developing a sports and event company with our first idea being an adult basketball league.

But first...we needed a name. Hmmmm???

After tossing some ideas back and forth, we decided we wanted to honor someone close to us with the name of our company. In December of 2009 one of our best friends, Marqueis took his own life. From his name, we came up with Marquee Sports and Events, LLC and it became official in June of 2014.

As we close in our 5 year anniversary, we are excited to launch our new and improved website!

Alexia Clincy